Ic2 machines exploding. It has a "Furnace Mode" button in the bottom-right corner with three different options: Furnace Only: the Alloy Smelter will only smelt Furnace recipes. Ic2 machines exploding

 It has a "Furnace Mode" button in the bottom-right corner with three different options: Furnace Only: the Alloy Smelter will only smelt Furnace recipesIc2 machines exploding  ' For the quarry in buildcraft 2 - see this

IC2 had a few machines that I needed, but other than that, I haven't had much use for it. CurseForge - a world of endless gaming possibilities for modders and gamers alike. I've tried configurating the cables into push and pull modes on the output end, and I've even tried placing. You can as well reuse older TFBPs, by just placing them into the crafting grid, so they will become empty again. Jul 18, 2013. 0K. If you upgrade it, you can hook-up your MV power coming from the MFE. That said, at 120 EU/t, you're in the range of medium voltage. This liquid is capable of creating almost everything in Minecraft itself in the replicator . #1. The machine EXplosions in IC2 ruin the mod for me, one mistake and everything you worked for explodes the exact second you connect it to a higher teir machine, which honestly makes no sense, is there a way to disable this? Unless it has changed, there should be a config setting for this. 54 votes, 40 comments. It's actually just as good as the bigreactors now (eventually, mox takes a while without gregtech), save for the fucked up perpetual motion machine that is the turbines it provides. BC machines don't "randomly explode". If you are up for that challenge, use IC2. So an insulated copper cable carrying 384 EU/t over 10 Blocks is actually carrying 12*32 EU. They are called "Battery buffers", and they are empty inventories. 7500 RPM is the maximum RPM without Overclocker. . Connect them to the same Flux Network. Everything is in terms of EU/t. 6. 6. It grows very quickly and drops sticky resin when harvested. Handy dandy IC2 overclockers sheet. It will apply radiation to anyone nearby when it detonates. A state where the machines are rendered useless until the circuitry is repaired could've been better, and caused less aggravation. Items and machines in IndustrialCraft 2 are grouped into tiers based on the maximum EU it can output or receive per tick (EU/t). 4. Let's be honest, we pretty much all use universal cables to get. This is because EU/b isn't applied on the total EU/t that travels the cable but on every single EU-Packet. Main article: Energy Storage Upgrade (IndustrialCraft 2) Energy Storage Upgrades increase the internal Energy Units (EU) buffer of machines by 10,000 EU and are crafted like so: Energy Storage Upgrades add 10,000 EU per upgrade to a machine's internal buffer. In the past, mods like IC2 among others had machines that could explode if you supplied them with the wrong tier of voltage, and mods like Gregtech even had machines that could explode in the rain. 2. Semifluid. I'm having trouble working with IC2 in the Direwolf20 1. Each side of the Tesseract will have 2 x 512 EU/t from the MFE's, which converts to 2x512x4=4096 RF/t at each connection. 鉄インゴットを更に精錬するとことで精製出来る上質な鉄。IC2ではこれを主体として機械や道具を作ることになる。 粉砕すると普通の鉄の粉になるので、普通の鉄に戻すことが可能。 ウラニウム (Uranium) 新たに追加. You have to use some kind of wire that convert one to the other. Geothermal Generators accept both Lava Buckets and Lava Cells. There should be no need to do a clean install. When stepping down, you can pull from 4 sides to split the power into 4 packets; you maintain the same EU/t and are. IndustrialCraft2: How to Stop MFE From Overloading Machi…In IC2 experimental (1. It is the most basic machine for. I used those in a mfe that charged the machines. Unlike all other. It can be triggered using a Flint and Steel , Redstone, or another explosion (an adjacent Nuke, TNT, etc. so why not create a topic about it right? at the moment there's pretty much 2 teams, one team being the ones who like which. tonalom, Oct 30, 2018 #2. We have wires and pipes to connect these machines. Machines but will only accept power if they do not get overcharged. Think too that the Ic2 Team an mainly gregT forgot About adding awesome New Stuff they focused just on updating for a very long time trying to fix all the issues that came with ic2exp If they didn't add anything why does everyone complain there's no documentation? Experimental has added tonnes. Server Owner. I posted here before with an industrial craft problem and had great success, so now I am back to do it again! This is an issue with IC2 and I'm sure there is a very simple answer, but I'm unwilling to experiment without knowing more because MFSUs are so expensive. Sorry for the wall of text, forgive me if I'm wrong but it seems like you might be new to IC2 and I thought I'd help out a bit extra. So for example, if you have two generators outputting 20 EU/t each in parallel, any GT machines have to support a at least 40 EU/p, or they will explode. It offers a lot, such as ore doubling, power generation, item duplication, tools and armor. You shouldn't really need them anyway. • 3 mo. drcrazy closed this as completed on Oct 5, 2017. . There isn't any one design choice that makes me dislike IC2. If I connect say, an MFE directly to a macerator, it draws varying more power. Which took out part of the roof. Once it starts working you repeat until you find the source. I've tried configurating the cables into push and pull modes on the output end, and I've even tried. Though there are aspects of IC2 that are accurate to reality, they are uncommon in day to day life and therefore less intuitive. Vanilla IC2 machines do not have this limitation in the current build, but you should not count on it. If you like things being nice to you after you create them, and skipping through the woods with engines smiling at you, choose TE. This ran fine until I added a solar panel to the top of the batbox, then the last machine, the extractor exploded! newgirlde • 4 yr. The Alloy Smelter has three input slots and one output slot. The two power systems simply have. 5 4. I think the next step would be a Multi-Block engineering(TM) !!!!11. 7. 2. exploding machines exploding is ultimately a fail state and a very final one at that. TheHawk3672 Feb 27th 2022. They power Thermal RF machines just fine, and obviously Mekanism's own devices. An MFE should be able to take in 512 EU/t safely without going kablooey. Items and machines in IndustrialCraft 2 are grouped into tiers based on the maximum EU it can output or receive per tick (EU/t). My nuclearcraft. A complete breakdown of how each reactor component works is available on the IC2 forum Here, or on the Nuclear Reactor page of the wiki. IC2 Reactor keeps blowing up my IC2 machines. Wiring is easier, batteries aren't as twosided (on/off) anymore. The pump affects any liquid located directly below itself. They only explode if you don't cool them enough, or extract all the power. 97IC2 fixes most of these problems) There's no reason to think the IC2 machines will suddenly overload and explode (Nuclear Reactor being the exception to this rule), if they're gonna explode, they'll explode when. IC2 Experimental began in 1. But the real issue here is a historical one. Maybe a config option would be an idea for those that like it old style,. E. I tried using transformers and bat-boxes, but the machines still blew up. UU-Matter can be use to. So I found out about these things, and decided to try them out. 89 - flying. 12] Battery box doesn't explode [1. INPUT: Accepts up to 128 EU/packet (Medium Voltage) into any of its 5 input faces, with unlimited EU/tick. The vajra is still an incredible tool. #1. #4. W. Doing so will also save 50% of the energy that would have been used had every stack been smelted by itself. However, unlike engines from the lower tiers a combustion engine requires water to maintain a safe temperature and will. BOOM! Quick note: The rotary macerator hasn't exploded with a transformer. My main power supply in IC2 is a huge solar panel plant (around 900 panels). No problem. When. RotaryCraft is even more glaring, as nearly every machine requires that a player manage the multidimensional power system and one of my core design tenets is the problem-solving that results from that. The machines never randomly explode. Tl;Dr: IC2 isn't made like the RF mods (big numbers!). Okay, I don't know if I possibly have a conflicting mod here, or if something in IC2 itself is messed up. To use the Wrench to remove a machine, simply "Right-click the machine. '. They do not increase the energy input capability of the machine, so a tier 1 machine would. Seeing Industrial Craft stuff on the Minecraft wiki (for some reason) was my first taste of Feed the Beast. Many mods interact with it, but the main mods include: Railcraft provides power. Plus, IC2 machines now take much longer to craft and are somewhat harder to auto-craft due to the introduction of Gregtech style hammering and plating. We do have advanced machines now thanx to alblaka. I recommend not using something like Mekanism or Flux Networks for power conversion as I don't support random RF mods superposing RF into IC2. IC2 cables have a max voltage. Extreme Voltage windmills just sounds way too funny though. Change ignoreWrenchRequirement = false to ignoreWrenchRequirement = true. 7 comments. Pack. Unfortunately mods for direct conversion from EU to rf or any other mod's power system are pretty rare or outdated. You can connect multiple machines of different types to the same cable at the correct voltage (voltages are not additive). Block Cutting Machine. IndustrialCraft 2 feels less modern, to be expected since the mod has been around for so long. They are made by putting 8 Refined Iron in an O formation. GregTech wrenches will work with IC2. Each upgrade increases the machine's storage by 10,000 EU. (With Config Options) Crop Harvester. Keep in mind that this wrench only works on IC2 machines, and cannot be used like the BuildCraft wrench which is used to turn things like Engines. Now I play again in the 1. The IndustrialCraft2 mod is a great place to begin the Tekkit experience, and a major reason for this is the Macerator. Powering a machine or storage unit with too much. IC2 is also particular about how you pick up the machines, requiring you to use a Wrench to safely dismantle them rather than smacking them with a pickaxe and getting only a blank Machine Frame. Neither are for 1. It acts like an ordinary TNT block, though it is five times more powerful. )The Nuke has a fuse of 13 seconds. The gregtech wiki is confusing when it says you don't need lossless mode because it is referring to machines exploding, not recovering the machine intact: in other words, a regular wrench will. Plug in Ultimate Energy Cable (or anything else from that Modpack) to the Cube and your IC2 Machines for easy power. ago. The. I actually might use something other than geos now. (Google or IC2 forums) Put Dynamos facing or Conduits into IC2 machines. Most other power systems are plug and play, but you actually have to think about IC2 power, which is why I like it the most. 776. IC2 is not like that, the ingame documentation is non existing, so you have to resort to a wiki, which isn't particullarly well mantained. This machine uses 1,000,000 EU to generate 1 mB of UU-Matter. I actually stopped playing with IC when IC2 came out because I. IC2 uses a Tiered Power system. The mod is now being currently maintained by covers1624 and remains basically the same, except with minor texture changes from the original by PowerCrystals. This plastic is nuke proof. nuclearcraft piles/batteries are also good RF -> specific IC2 energy tier outputs. Then I rage quit. With an MFE, it uses 2560. For example, trying to power a Macerator (tier 1) with 128 EU/t (tier 2) will result in the Macerator exploding, destroying it. Costs are reduced significantly. I'm trying to power a Matterfab and a bunch of other Gregtech (Mindcrack version, so hard mode) and overclocked IC2 machines. 4 beta build 1. Summary The Compressor is used to craft essential items for higher tier items and machines of IC2 including Carbon Plates, Advanced Alloy and Industrial Diamonds. I remember back in Direwolf 20, and even on the wiki pages and in the tool tips in infinity evolved some IC2 machines talk about max Eu/tick and voltage (32/tick for low voltage, wires only handling 32 max some handle more. It is available at the usual place. Try MV or HV card if not just to rule that cause out. One MFE is capable of storing 400,000 EU, the equivalent of 15 BatBoxes. Turkish) 0. Jul 10, 2015. Also, I will never understand the exploding mechanic of IC2 and why the newer version doesn't take it out. When supplied with scrap, the process is greatly accelerated and more efficient, consuming 166,666 EU. IC2 machines can use the Ejector Upgrade to output back into the same interface block that feeds them. this reactor. You can directly link GT generators and battery buffers to IC2 machines, but you will need an IC2 transformer and a GT transformer to transmit IC2 power to a GT network. 8. IC2 is better for processing a lot of stuff fast, via the use of overclockers. 5 version of Tekkit and especially IC2 was really fun to play with. Handy dandy IC2 overclockers sheet. 14. 5% (1 in 8) chance of producing Scrap. Speiger removed the In Progress label on Apr 10, 2015. One Water Cell takes 15,000 EU to electrolyze. Invisible wires exploding, missing GUI's on electric furnace, macerator, some other machines, graphical glitch. The IC2 energy network is (in Vanilla IC2) proprietary, meaning lots of work for a sufficient and efficient energy production setup is solely for your IC2 stuff. Another feature of the Induction Furnace is its ability to build up heat. Speiger added In Progress In Testing Feature Request labels on Apr 8, 2015. In this method, 2 seeds can crossbreed 2 crops (the 2 O's in a subsquare will crossbreed the 2 X's), giving it a 1-to-1 ratio. If you want an IC2 inspired mod that can be powered by your usual RF sources, go for. The benefits of this device compared to the Iron Furnace are that the Electric Furnace is faster, and being an IC2 machine, can be overclocked. 10, replicated the issue on a server and in single-player. All, The problem of the day -- machines blowing up (IC2 Experimental): My end goal is to craft Quantum armor. Just use the cables you want with the machines you want and it'll work. Heat may be removed by several different cooling methods. Steam is a type of liquid added by several mods that is usually produced by one machine and consumed by another to generate energy. Images. Ore Washing Station - 9 overclockers = 1100 EU/t. ago. I hook up an MFSU that outputs 2048 eu/tick, run it through glass fibre cable directly into any number of Tier 1 machines (Macerator,. The Generator is a machine added by IndustrialCraft 2. IndustrialCraft 2 (IC2) adds a variety of electrically-powered machines to the Minecraft world, bringing Minecraft to the Industrial Age and beyond. It has always tried to emulate real life, and the recent changes even more so. minecraft. Thats all i have to say. People say that use a LV transformer but doesn't work (If this is a noob design, I'm very sorry)I like the way some packs punish you like IC2 machines exploding. It doesn't have the complexities that IC2's Reactor has, but it's a lot more dangerous and can put out insane amounts of Redstone Flux (RF). Compressor. Lemming always said it could have tiers, but it never did past transmission limits. 11. Murdoch Mysteries is a Canadian mystery drama television series that began in 2008. However it ruins the mod, the fact that you can use tin cables in the nuclear reactor, or you can input 8000 EU in a 32 EU machine. Just make sure your set up actually is correct. I fail to see how it makes you "think". (edited by Watson 777) 0. When the machines aren't running at full power, they get very loud because the sound code in IC2 is shit. It's simply the best way to power stuff without human intervention unless you want to have an enormous base with trains, rails, trees, boilers, laggy nether lava pumps or others things all. Picking up machines [] The Wrench is the only tool which can pick up GregTech machines. IC2: { { {id}}} The Nuclear Reactor is a generator that produces EU by slowly breaking down Uranium Cells. This is because it is experimental and with experimental things, something could not work as you intend with catastrophic results. 10, sorry if something's not valid above. . Not sure where we could post suggestions, but it would be nice to have more tooltip info like transfer rate on cables. likewire if you go for a quick fix, it might go wrong- you should do it properly and take your time. I am looking forwards to getting to play at least the IC2 part again in modern Minecraft. 49 of the modpack and had the same issue on. Build another second reactor, this will be the main reactor 6. It offers machines that can double ore output and generate power, as well as nuclear power and quantum. As for intuitive, coding wise it is (or was the last time I looked) a lot more simple than. If you just plug and play (which is mechanism) then it is op. Crafting The Compressor is a component of the Recycler. So i did the conversion using RF Consumer and Energy Brigde and IC2 Producer and connected it using glass fiber cables. Hey guys! Today I experiment with IC2 a little bit. The metal former has three modes which can replace the forge hammer and snips and will make automation easier. One MFE is the equivalent of 15 BatBoxes. Is it possible to add back the machines exploding and cable stuff from IC2 classic to IC2 experimental? The Wrench is a basic tool added by IndustrialCraft 2, which can rotate and safely dismantle IC2 machines. Used IC22: IC2Classic 1. 6, and called it IC2 Classic. I remember how voltage used to work - certain machines sent out their power at a certain voltage and things below that voltage would explode if not transformed down. IC2 machines can be connected to RF with a mekanism universal cable. It is the same as if you plugged a lightbulb into your electric stoves 240V wall socket. 3. In the past, mods like IC2 among others had machines that could explode if you supplied them with the wrong tier of voltage, and mods like Gregtech even had machines that could explode in the rain. 1. After each operation, it has a 12. 鉄インゴットを更に精錬するとことで精製出来る上質な鉄。IC2ではこれを主体として機械や道具を作ることになる。 粉砕すると普通の鉄の粉になるので、普通の鉄に戻すことが可能。 ウラニウム (Uranium) 新たに追加されたウラニウム鉱石。Try breaking off sections of your network and trying to craft an item. I even tried Direwolf's old fashion way. However, pretty much everyone on the server I admin that has used IC2 has had issues with their machines exploding. Based on a comment by an IC2 Classic Dev in August this appears to be a relatively new feature. When growing plants using a crop, you can right click the crop with a coolant cell in your hand. Type. 0. tile. The Nuke is a dangerous and expensive explosive device from IndustrialCraft 2 (IC2). GTExtras [Gregtech addon] GemBlocksForGreg [Gregtech addon] Minetweaker Addon for Gregtech [Gregtech addon] Armour and Tool Status HUD. I will unequivocally tell you now that is all wrong and this is why. On the other hand, GT makes all its machines extremely difficult to break with a pick, but if you do then they explode violently. This mod has been reported to be bugged, therefore some servers may not have the mod installed. [1. Its sole purpose is to turn Water Cells into Electrolyzed Water Cells. IC2 now available for 1. Step 7: The Soothing Hum of Power []. Instead there are dozens of smaller things that add up to a less than enjoyable experience. I have 4 generators and they are all connected to a batbox. 7 version of IC2, updated it to run on 1. Below are some of the entry-level machines available in IC2: Electric Furnace (More efficient way of smelting items) Extractor (Useful for creating Rubber efficiently). Is there anyway to tell with gregtech machines? or is there a way to know how many overclockers I can put in a machine without going over the 8k eu/tick limit i can feed the machines ?The Electrolyzer is an Industrial Craft 2 machine. My storage room was on the other side of a wall from that one. If you're feeling adventurous, you can make a nuclear reactor. 7. Unlike the IC2 energy system, all GregTech energy-interacting blocks have limits on both the Voltage and the Amperage they can interact with. I know that regular wind generators lose power if there are blocks around them, but do Kinetic Wind Generators follow the same rule? Is there any way to transport Kinetic Energy to the Kinetic Generator besides being directly attached?The Mass Fabricator is an advanced machine that generates Universal-Usable Matter. Just an idea (not tried that), if I'm not mistaken, IC2 machines can take power from several cables at once, so you could have several, non connecting glass fibre cables (color them to prevent them from. Welcome to IC2! This is a tier 1 Tech mod. 8, there is a 30% chance that a wrenched machine will break, dropping a Basic Machine Casing or Advanced Machine Casing as per the one used to craft the machine. @nevercast In IC2, machines do not explode if you have more power generation than consumption - instead, the excess power is simply stored. Watson 777 · 1/29/2013. anabsolutesloth. It has it's own power system and some quirks that some players might not like (machines breaking when not picket up wiht a wrench, machines exploding when given wrong tier of power). Jan 5, 2016. maintenance-free, non-exploding IC2 reactors and also power sources based on Calculator "plugs. 5 in fact. EU - Energy Unit is the measure of energy used by IC2. Note, use push/pull upgrades for the IC2 machine, and transformer upgrades so that no power can explode them. Discuss advanced mechanics of IC² here. I suppose thats part of the issue. Much like machines in the real world, the machines and cables in Industrial Craft 2 will only accept up to a certain level of voltage. RSS Feed; Last Reply. Make IC2 machines for ore doubling Set up quarry and/or make mining laser, get shitloads of materials quickly Make an Energy Condenser Use condensers to make a blaze rod EMC machine, have infinite EMC and therefore infinite everything Get bored because you've got infinite everything and don't have/want/need anything else to do. Canning Machine; Macerator; Advanced Machine Casing; Thermal Centrifuge. hide. 2] The /clone command is not working on machines and wires from the IC2 3 Replies, 6,454 Views, A year ago. Just so you guys know. Ender IO machines can be set to output and input on the same side using the Configure IO button. I've made us a Google Doc sheet comparing EU/t consumption, length of operation and total EU consumption for the overclocked IC2 machines. Yeah, there is not a single IC2 machine that is worth that many resources, I'ma pass on playing like a blind moron. 10/10 ruse. . And the power shenanigans of EXPLODING MACHINES and MELTING WIRES. GT cables/wires can be used to connect IC2 machines, but pay attention to the EU output. It is the same as if you plugged a lightbulb into your electric stoves 240V wall socket. Not entirely familiar with the mechanics of all the 1. All the numbers used were pulled directly from the game. The default is redstone where no signal has them in Step-Down, and giving them a signal flips them to Step-Up. IC2 is better for processing a lot of stuff fast, via the use of overclockers. Check with the JEI peoples for integration plans. I remember back in Direwolf 20, and even on the wiki pages and in the tool tips in infinity evolved some IC2 machines talk about max Eu/tick and voltage (32/tick for low voltage, wires only handling 32 max some handle more. Even when using IC2 and not respecting tiers,. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. It's actually just as good as the bigreactors now (eventually, mox takes a while without gregtech), save for the fucked up perpetual motion machine that is the turbines it provides. Explosions are disabled in vanilla ic2 at the moment while they rework the powernet. I'm running Immibis Core, as well, if that helps. The kinetic generator produces 12EU/t (wood rotor, low alt) and there is 3K EU in storage. Reactors are capable of outputting considerable power: each Uranium Cell will output 5 EU/tick, meaning that high-output Reactors need high-level infrastructure to avoid machinery. In Galacticraft 3, the energy system has been re-balanced and a new energy unit, the Galacticraft Joule (gJ) is used. 9! WITHOUT NATIVE RF SUPPORT! Hilarious, you sure got us good! I just love that the IC2 devs put time and effort into making a working prototype of IC2-RF as a hilarious joke instead of actually fixing their e-net that has been broken for years. It is the most basic machine for electrical generation that can be upgraded. Exploding mechanisms. (HV is 129-512 EU/packet) (MV is 33-128 EU/packet) (LV is 12-32 EU/packet) MV current must be wired into the Medium Voltage face (the 3-dotted one), while LV current can be wired into any. Giving them a machine that has unlabeled buttons, missing slots and, as a result. I think you have to put the flux point (that outputs the EU) on an energy storage block like an MFE or MFSU for it to recognise it properly. You can set the direction (step-up, step-down, or redstone) in the GUI. A lot of the. Player and Thunderdark decided to start pushing things forward in a new direction, and people promptly decided they didn't like that new direction so Immibis took the old 1. Overclocker upgrades stack exponentially, so every machine can process 20 items/sec, given enough OC-upgrades (and power). IC2 machines all sides are in, & you can use an upgrade to choose which side to auto eject from, so you could use 1 interface to push crafting pattern recipes & accept the finished product. Spending 10 minutes getting a fucking compressor to work without exploding is never going to be worth it. A state where the machines are rendered useless until the circuitry is repaired could've been better, and. Like honestly, just turn machine explosions off if you play either mod. Good job guys. It might still matter to Immersive Engineering and Logistics Pipes function. a Red Orchid when planted on top of a piece of Redstone makes 1 redstone. The only ways to remove an IC2 machine without breaking it at 100% certainty are an electric wrench on lossless, an omniwrench, or a wrench turtle. If you have a cable that removes 1 EU from a packet every 5 blocks, sending two packets of 256 EU each instead of one of 512 EU gives you a loss of 2EU / 5 blocks. Largest catalog of exploding stars now available March 15 2023 An equatorial skymap of all 1975 YSE DR1 transients as of 2021 December 20, each marked as a circle with its color. (Google or IC2 forums) Put Dynamos facing or Conduits into IC2 machines. The idea of wires and machines exploding is one I hate. Speiger added In Progress In Testing Feature Request labels on Apr 8, 2015. It can supply IC2 machines with electricity and charge tools and batteries in its GUI. But you dont need to use the reactor, you can power your ic2 machines using RF if you connect them with mekanism cablesItem transfer in Enigmatica 2. I’ve noticed a significant decline in quality to match the increase in prices. Powering a machine or storage unit with too much EU/t will result in the machine exploding. this reactor. with the pretty heated discussions lately about the way that IC2 exp is going I started wondering, what would others change in IC2 exp for it to be more to their ideas. Radioactive Items include all the Fuel. Does not having a proper documentation makes the mod more complex?. Transformer Upgrade []. Need Help! : r/feedthebeast. A basic setup is all that's required. There is also a block cutting machine that can take a block of say iron and give you 9 plates in one go. (please test this before destroying your base, as it could change with a patch. Official Post. The interest is what you do with the machines. #3. I wanted to propose a boycott of ic2 at least until they pull their heads out of their asses regarding the issues with the new energy net design. A nuclear reactor is a multiblock structure that is used to generate power for the IndustrialCraft 2 mod. 7. Connecting the power before you apply the upgrade will result in the machine's explosion. Transformer Upgrades have the effect of the tier going up by 1, per upgrade, which means, for example, 3 Transformer Upgrades would let a machine normally only capable of accepting 32 EU/t without exploding be able to take 2048 EU/t. 9. save. 4 stuff) machine and wire explosions have been disabled because the dev(s) are still working on the system and/or it is somewhat buggy (wires can transfer mostly unlimited power for example) The machines never randomly explode. Solar Panels. Coal Cells and Biofuel Cells from Bio Cells. IC2 machines require EU, not RF. 10 with IC2e and it explodes except my nuclear. . 0? cindylo; Aug 31st 2013; 1 Page 1 of 2; 2; 1st Official Post. Plus, IC2 machines now take much longer to craft and are somewhat harder to auto-craft due to the introduction of Gregtech style hammering and plating. Ebkrem. So if you wanted to use IC2 machines (which with overclock upgrades can get insanely fast) but generate RF with all the nice RF generation options, that should be doable. If I were to take out the ONE thing from the ICY. It also outputs 512 EU/t, at HV. Spending 10 minutes getting a fucking compressor to work without exploding is never going to be worth it. Holding M and Right clicking changes the mode. Any help or direction would be appreciated, thank you! Reactor (or other RF Power Source) connects to an Energy Cube. And with about 10+ upgrades all the machines become super fast. You have to make sure the total output to the machine doesn't exceed their maximum input. My storage room was on the other side of a wall from that one. Any other mode and its like gambling. If cooling is insufficient, the reactor will gradually overheat and eventually explode. 6, after Alblaka (original dev) had been missing for about a year. Really appreciate your work that you are doing. GT cables/wires can be used to connect IC2 machines, but pay attention to the EU output. IC2 is a bit of a different beast. Not easy to automate with just item transport (like hopper. It would explode instantly. But sag mils are cheaper to upgrade, esp in larger numbers that I have them in my ore proc room. I lol'd. Items and machines in IndustrialCraft 2 are grouped into tiers based on the maximum EU it can output or receive per tick (EU/t). Certain machines (including energy storage blocks such. Some. 8. Speiger self-assigned this on Apr 8, 2015. At higher heat levels, the Furnace both.